Erik Mana returns with his latest installment of his special magic series. Directed and edited by award winning editor Alvin Campaña, 'Believe' displays a variety of magical skills from mind reading to card manipulation to hellstromism. Erik shares the spot light with several talented performers including some of the Philippines' top Cardists, Jay Aspiras, Robert De Leon, Mario Echin and Jeff Lianza, Silver Medal Memory Champion Johan Abrina and magician Conrad Alampay. During these challenging times, 'Believe' delivers a special message to viewers..."In this world my mind is the key that sets me free!" All you have to do is BELIEVE!
Erik Mana returns with his latest installment of his special magic series. Directed and edited by award winning editor Alvin Campaña, 'Believe' displays a variety of magical skills from mind reading to card manipulation to hellstromism. Erik shares the spot light with several talented performers including some of the Philippines' top Cardists, Jay Aspiras, Robert De Leon, Mario Echin and Jeff Lianza, Silver Medal Memory Champion Johan Abrina and magician Conrad Alampay. During these challenging times, 'Believe' delivers a special message to viewers..."In this world my mind is the key that sets me free!" All you have to do is BELIEVE!